Posts Tagged ‘firmware upgrade’

UCS: After firmware upgrade B230 M1 blade is failing discovery at 4%

15 Dec

After upgrading B230 M1 blade it gets stuck in discovery at 4% and is showing following errors:

no connection to MC endpoint

Error retrieving Server Params-MC Error(-6): Connection is closing


No DIMMs present


The errors can be rotating but it is stuck at 4%.

1. Check Firmware versions and see if all are as expected.

2. Reset CIMC and after this is done Reacknowledge the server.
3. Check the firmware versions of the blade again. The Running Board Controller version is set to 00000000

4. Activate the Board Controller with correct version and wait until activation is finished.

5. Reacknowledge the server

UCS: Update firmware on Cisco UCS C200 server using Host Update Utility

06 Feb

Here is a simple procedure how to update firmware on UCS C200 M2 server. The procedure should be no different on the other models of C series servers as they use Host Update Utility(HUU).
1. First you need to download the firmware for the upgrade. In this instance the server will be upgraded to 1.4(3p)5

  • Go to, select Support and All Dowloads 
  • Choose Servers- Unified Computing and Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Standalone Server Software. Select your server model(in this case it is C200 M2)
  • From select Software type choose Unified Computing System (UCS) Server Firmware
  • Find the required version and download it(you’ll need to login). It will be iso file:


2. Mount HUU iso in CIMC (more…)

HP: Upgrading HP Lights-Out(iLO) firmware on multiple servers

25 Feb

If you ever need to upgrade Lights-Out(iLO) firmware on all servers in your organization then look for tool called HP Lights-Out Directories Migration Utility. This tool is a part of hp Directories Support tool. It is difficult to find it on HP web-pages so you can download it from here. This is version 2.01 (sp31581.exe)
The Directories Migration utility can do more than upgrade firmware. It is used to integrate iLO into Active Directory and use AD groups for authentication. Also it can configure iLO settings.

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