Archive for January, 2009

SCCM: One of the reasons why clients report as unkown in Software updates

21 Jan

Here are my finding why updates cannot be deployed to the clients.
As you probably know in order for SCCM to install updates it has to know what updates are already installed. ‘Software updates scan cycle’ action is responsible for scanning the machine and checking what updates installed and what are missing. If this action cannot be performed or fails it will display unknown deployment status in SCCM Software Updates. (see image image below)


SCCM: Dell e6400 freezes/hangs during WinPE

19 Jan

Although I’ve seen this problem mentioned on many forums I’ve never got it myself. Here is a solution from SCCM support team for those who did. ConfigMgr 2007: Dell Latitude E6400 laptop hangs during Windows XP Mini-Setup

Windows 7 first impression

14 Jan

Everyone probably knows about Windows 7 beta release to public. Because I’ve read some good reviews of it I thought I’ll give it a try. I am using both Vista and XP. As most of the public I prefer XP over Vista. The only reason why i use Vista is because it will take half a day to reinstall my laptop and put all the needed stuff and still most likely will forget something. (more…)

New Year = New Face

12 Jan

Hi everyone,
it has been a while since I last posted but I hope to start this ball rolling once again.
As you can see the face of the blog has changed a bit and I’m still tweaking it out and trying to get used to it.

Now looking back  at 2008 there were 75 posts posted and they have received 130 comments. Also according to Clustermaps 27000 user have visited this blog which is way more then I have expected. My goal is to write more posts this year…

I have been playing arround with many diferent project and will start posting my findings in here soon…

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