Posts Tagged ‘Diagnostics’

UCS: Running UCS Server Configuration Utility (SCU) Diagnostic on C series servers

18 Dec

UCS Server Configuration Utility (SCU) allows user to configure the server and also run diagnostics tests.

Do the following to run SCU diagnostics tests:

1. Download SCU from
2. Login to CIMC of the server and map the SCU ISO image
3. Restart the server and wait until it boots to SCU
4. Accept the License Agreement
5. In SCU expand Diagnostic Tools, select Quick Tasks and choose the test you want to run Quick or Comprehensive.
6. Confirm
7. You can see the status of the tests under Tests Summary and the results under Test log Summary.
8. Once finished click on Reboot button

Using Cisco UCS Blade Server Diagnostics

15 Nov

Cisco has released Cisco UCS Blade Server Diagnostics.
It’s an ISO file that you boot your blade from and there you can run a series of test to find out if there are any problems with hardware.

To run UCS diagnostics do the following:

  • Download ISO file from you’ll need login first. At the time of writing the only version available is 1.0.1a
  • Login to UCS Manager and open the KVM console on the blade that you want to test(the blade must be associated with service profile and CD-ROM must be present in Boot Order at the top of it)
  • Select Virtual Media tab, click on Add Image button, locate and select Cisco UCS Blade Server Diagnostic ISO file that you downloaded. Make sure that Mapped box is ticket next to ISO file.
  • Restart the server. The server should start booting form ISO file
  • You’ll be prompted to choose from 3 options(GUI, CLI, memtest86+) if you do not choose in 10sec the blade will into GUI
    GUI and CLI are self explanatory. memtest86+ is RAM testing utility.


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