Posts Tagged ‘SP1’

Exchange: Problem installing SP1 on Exchange 2007

25 Jun

Here is a problem I came across while trying to install Service Park 1(SP1) on Exchange 2007.
During the checking I was getting the following error:

You must be a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators group to upgrade the first Hub Transport server role in your organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1.

End also the same error for all the other roles.

Although I knew that the user have all necessary rights I’ve double checked that and it does.

Solution was very simple I needed to reboot exchange server and after reboot everything worked just fine.

Vista: Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) is released to public via Windows Updates

19 Mar

Windows Vista SP1 can be downloaded via Windows Update. Read more…

Vista: First impression of Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)

13 Feb

It’s been a week now since I am running Service Pack 1 on Vista. I have not tested betas or RCs so I didn’t knew what to expect and here is my experience so far.

The firs attempt to install was not successful after 1.5hours I got e message saying that install was unsuccessful and reverting back changes. Unfortunately that did not worked and after reboot my laptop blue screened. (more…)

WSUS 3.0 Service Pack 1 released

08 Feb

WSUS 3.0 Service Pack 1(SP1) was released yesterday. You can download it from here.

Vista: Announcing the RTM of Windows Vista SP1

04 Feb

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