Archive for the ‘Virtualization’ Category

UCS: Unable to communicate with Flexible Flash controller

28 May

For all of you who are using Cisco UCS C220 M3 server and Flexible Flash controller with SD card beware that there is a bug in firmware prior to 1.5(3a)

The problem shows up as timeout error for FlexFlash controller. The interesting part is even though there is a problem with the FlexFlash, CIMC still is showing that overall Server Status as good:
Once you log-in into CIMC you will not see that there is a problem:


No Errors

but once you click on Storage tab you’ll get error message:

Error: Unable to communicate with Flexible Flash controller: operation ffCardsGet, status ERROR_TIMEOUT

In the logs you’ll see: (more…)

VMware: Cannot create Resource Pool, the option is greyed out

14 Jun

OK this is a now brainer but still get asked sometimes.

In the vCenter you right click on Cluster and New Resource Pool option is grey out.

To create resource pool you need to have Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) enabled on the Cluster.

  1. Right Click on the Cluster and select Edit Settings…
  2. Tick Turn On vSphere DRS click OK.
  3. Now you can create Resource Pools for this Cluster

VMware has released Workstation 9

24 Aug

Since Windows 8 was released to RTM couple weeks ago, VMware has also updated their Workstation to version 9 for ‘Best in Class Windows 8 support’.
You can try it for free.

Installing Veeam FastSCP 3.0 on Windows 7 beta

25 Mar

So because Windows 7 is still in Beta, Veeam FastSCP 3.0 does not support it, but it does not mean that you cannot use it.
While trying to install the application on Windows 7 beta you’ll get the following message.

To get around it you can use Winrar to extract the package and launch FastSCPSetup.msi file.
If you don’t have Winrar and don’t want to install it use command line to extract the content of veeam_fastscp_3.0.exe.
the syntax looks like this:
veeam_fastscp_3.0.exe /C /T:(full path)
The following example extracts everything to c:\temp\veeam

Building Cheap Virtual Test Environment PART1: Choosing hardware

17 Nov

I’ve deicided that it is time for me to build my own testing environment at home. I’ve been playing around with Vmware server and MS Virtual server for a while and they work OK to some extent. With Vmware I had 2 VM running with server os, but the speed of the whole system was quite slow as the hard drive LED was constantly on. To make thing better I’ve bought external USB drive and was creating VMs on it and that improved performance a lot, but then if I tried to create a VM with DB on it then things were getting slow again.
So after VMware made ESXi free I was thinking of getting my own server that I could use as a virtual testing lab 🙂 (more…)

Hyper-V: System Center Virtual Machine Manager is RTM

22 Oct

Download your System Center Virtual Machine Manager evaluation copy from here.

VMware makes ESXi free

29 Jul

Now you can get VMware ESXi for free.

VMware: Add permissions are missing in ESX 3.5

15 Jul

So yesterday I wanted to add permissions to a resource pool on ESX 3.5 but I could not do that because the option was not there.

That looked strange because I was able to do that on other ESX server that was running version 3.0.2
Apparently for some reason VMware removed that option starting version 3.5. so the only way to add permissions is to used Virtual Centre which of course you have to buy. Can I ask why VMware did that ?

Microsoft: Hyper-V released to manufacturing

27 Jun

Hyper-V, a key feature of Windows Server 2008, has now released to manufacturing (RTM) and is available for deployment into production environments. A beta of Hyper-V was included with Windows Server 2008 and this update provides the final release. (Read More)

Virtuozzo: Troubleshooting and repairing service container

24 Jun

Here is one problem that I ran into once Virtuozzo server was rebooted.
The server came up ok without any errors but once I started Parallels Management Console I was getting the following error:
Connection to vzagent was closed [error 10061 (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)]

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