Here are couple steps to diagnose the “Failed to Run Task Sequence” error.
The hole error looks like this:
The task sequence cannot be run because a package referenced by the task sequence cannot be found. For more information please, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
Basically this error means that the problem is with distribution of the package.
It looks straight forward process if you have one or two packages in a task sequence. But can be a problem if the task sequence has many packages. The best way to find out which package or packages are causing the problem is to use the task sequence log Smsts.log.
1. The log location depends how OSD was started. Here is a table from Microsoft which tell where the log file should be located.
General location for all operating system deployment and task sequence log events.
Log file location:
If task sequence completes when running in the full operating system with an Configuration Manager 2007 client installed on the computer: <CCM Install Dir>\logs
If task sequence completes when running in the full operating system with no Configuration Manager 2007 client installed on the computer: %temp%\SMSTSLOG
If task sequence completes when running in WindowsPE: <largest fixed partition>\SMSTSLOG
2. Open the log file with SMS Trace. SMS trace is one of the tools that you can find in SCCM 2007 Toolkit. You can download it from here.
Once you open the log file it will highlight the problems in Red.
3. Find out which package is causing the problem. As you can se in my case it is MET00029.
4. Open Configuration manager console and locate the package.
5. The first thing to check is distribution points. Does the package has a distribution point and is it live. If everything is fine then go to next step. If not fix the problem and try to run Task sequence.
6. Check The Package Status. The Source version should be more then 0 and the targeted and installed should match. If it does not match then go to distribution point and try to refresh it.
Now go back to package status and check the logs.
To do that right click on Package Status select Show Messages and All.
This will ask you to enter the date and time. Leave defaults(1 day ago)
The log will open check error mesages and fix them. In my case the Distribution manager could not access source files.
Hope that helps.
Tags: fail, OSD, SCCM, task sequence