Nexus: Pre-upgrade check failed. Return code 0x40930062 (free space in the filesystem is below threshold).

16 Jun

While trying to upgrade Nexus 5000 series switch I ran into following issue:

Pre-upgrade check failed. Return code 0x40930062 (free space in the filesystem is below threshold).

Pre-upgrade check failed. Return code 0x40930062 (free space in the filesystem is below threshold).

Switch has enough free:

Enough free space

Enough free space

Look at install logs to identify where the problem is by typing:
show system internal log install details | include space

show system internal log install details | include space

show system internal log install details | include space

As you can see the problem is because /var/tmp is bellow the threshold.
To identify what is  taking space in /var/tmp type:
show system internal dir /var/tmp

show system internal dir /var/tmp

show system internal dir /var/tmp

Above we can see that most of the space is taken by smm.log file.
To delete the file, type:
filesys delete /var/tmp/smm.log

filesys delete /var/tmp/smm.log

filesys delete /var/tmp/smm.log

If for some reason you cannot delete the file than there are 2 options:
Call CiscoTAC and asked them to delete the file. They would use dplug to do that
Reboot the switch

After deleting the file there was enough free space to start upgrade

Upgrade started

Upgrade started

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6 Responses

  1. Johan says:

    This happened to me just now, thanks for a thorough explanation. It helped!

  2. Jasbir says:

    AMAZING..It worked for me. Switch was Cisco 3064 and the file was vdc.log.

  3. Manohar Gaddam says:

    Try the command “clear cores” and try to install the new code, it will. Otherwise reboot is on the option

  4. wacha says:

    Nice one – just saved my beckon on upgrade pre-checks!

  5. Anush Santhanam says:


    Thank you so much for the detailed steps. You wouldn’t believe, I ran into the exact same problem and the reason behind the filesystem usage for me was the same smm.log file. Thanks a million my friend. I have managed to initiate the upgrade. Great help and please continue posting more of these.


    Anush Santhanam

  6. michal mihaly says:

    Thank you! Saved me.

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