Posts Tagged ‘capture’

SCCM: Image Capture Wizard has failed with error code (0x80070020)

08 Jul

During image capture process you receive the following error:
Image Capture Wizard has failed with error code (0x80070020). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

This error might appear at any time during the image capture procedure.

In the smsts.log the following messaged error are logged:
Failed to run the action: Capture the Reference Machine.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Error: 80070020; Source: Windows)

The execution of the group (Capture the Reference Machine) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)

Failed to run the last action: Capture the Reference Machine. Execution of task sequence failed.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Error: 80070020; Source: Windows)

As you can see from the error messages the problem is caused by inaccessible file. In my case capture wizard could not access the files located in HP restore partition. Because restore partinion was not needed l I’ve deleted it and image capture ran OK.

SCCM: Image Capture Wizard has failed with error code (0x800704CF)

12 May

During image capture process you receive the following error:
Image Capture Wizard has failed with error code (0x800704CF). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

Now if you look at task sequence log it most likely going to say:
Failed to run the last action: Capture the Reference Machine. Execution of task sequence failed.
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help. (Error: 800704CF; Source: Windows)

This basically means that the network drive that you are trying to capture image to cannot be accessed. Make sure that the user you’ve provided in capture wizard has enough rights to access the network drive and write to it.

SCCM: How to capture image

21 Jan

Here are the steps for image capture with SCCM:

  1. First you have to make a Capture Media as described in here.
  2. Remove PC from the domain
  3. Create a folder called sysprep in boot partition (more…)

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