Category Archives: Blueprint

Bycicle lights inspired by Tron pt. 2

okay, here’s the hard part… the right programing to make it look like T8 lamps…
this is how far i have gone with the arduino. I’m using Arduino duemilanove. i will need to make 4 blinking Led strings so for prototype i use 4 LED. I’m programing only one of them, and that’s quite hard to make it realistic enough…

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Simple electric guitar from crap…

I will write you some short steps hot to make a simple electric guitar from a crappy and maybe not working one, to working. It is really easy!
So, to begin with, we have to get an old guitar (my friend gave my his old one, because it was not working) i have little knowledge in wiring and very little knowledge in understanding schemes or electronics, but this wasn’t that hard!

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