Hardware Reserved Memory in Windows 7 Part2 for 32Bit

I’ve found this interesting article about how to make Windows 7 32bit to use as much ram as possible. Even when you have over 4GB.
I’ve tried it on one of the test laptops and it worked. It have not crashed on me but I cannot tell you how stable it is as it is a test laptop. Performance wise it seems to perform more or less  the same but I’ve noticed that the hard drive is used less as the files are cached in RAM. So in theory laptop should be faster.
Use it at your own risk: Windows 7 32-bit with full 4 GB or 8 GB RAM support

Hardware Reserved Memory in Windows 7 Part1 for 64bit

The other day I’ve been using photo editing application and noticed that my laptop was struggling. Quick view in Task manager revealed that I running out of memory but the interesting thing was that total amount of physical memory was less then I expected. So next I popped up Resource Monitor and clicked onto Memory tab. This revealed that 561MB was Hardware Reserved.

The last thing to check was Basic system information in computer properties. In there it said:
Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.45 GB usable)

Continue reading Hardware Reserved Memory in Windows 7 Part1 for 64bit

Network Node Manager (NNM) authetication using Active directory

HP monitoring software like Sitescope, BAC, SIM, NNM etc. are using build in authentication. This is fine but that means that you have to remember many different passwords and logins. The other thing is that many companies have password policies and these policies must apply to all systems. So the obvious thing to do, would be to use one login provider. For this reason many use  Active Directory. In HP SIM configuring authentication through Active Directory is very simple using GUI. Unfortunately in Network Node Manager (NNM) it is not that simple. The information is provided in Deployment Reference document but it is not very clear.

In this post I’ll show you what works for me. Continue reading Network Node Manager (NNM) authetication using Active directory

Dyed or painted fish in Ireland

Update: Aquarium Solution has explained that the fish were not ordered by them but instead was send by supplier which I was told happens quite often. Aquarium Solutions has removed all dyed fish from the shop.

I thought I will never see this in Ireland but unfortunately I was wrong. Today I was bypassing Ashbourne and decided to visit Aquarium Solutions pet shop. It’s a small shop located  in SuperValu shopping center. I’ve been there before and it used to be a pretty good shop but recently it started deteriorating.
I vas not expecting much today as most of the tanks were almost empty but one of the tanks had an unpleasant surprise for me. There we 2 painted fish in it. It looked to me that these were glass fish(Parambassis ranga)  The condition of both of them were terrible even non fish keeper could see that they were really sick and would not last long.
I though that the general view among fish keepers is that it is cruel to paint fish and that serious fish keepers would not import these fish, but obviously it is not the case for Aquarium Solutions.
I’m really sad that I had to see them in this country and I will be avoiding this shop in the future.

More about painted fish.

Zierfische & Aquarium Fair Duisburg 2010

So here is the first post on this blog. I’ve spent all weekend in Zierfische & Aquarium Fair Duisburg 2010, Germany. This is the first international show that I’ve visited and I can tell you only one thing WOW!!! what a weekend. There were many different stands from companies and breeders from around the world. Loads of nice looking fish and also loads of fish tanks and equipment.
At the same time there were two competitions going on:
8th International Discus Championship which consisted of hundreds of nice looking discus
15th International EHBBC Showbetta Competition
Majority people that have visiting the show also went to Zoo Zajac pet shop(If it can be called pet shop) as it is just  a 5 minutes drive from the venue and I can say the shop is massive. The shop is even bigger than the venue where the show was hosted. I’ve spent couple hours in there just looking at the things. I wish we had something like that or even a quarter of the size in Ireland. You can get the almost everything in there.

Here are the links to photos and video:

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