Category Archives: Fish Tank

Diary 60l: week 2

Week has passed for this tank and I can clearly see the new growth it is still not fast but I think it’s much better compared to last week.

The downside is that fuzzy brown algae started appearing in the middle of the week and is grwoing at larming rates, but I had this stuff before in the previouse setup and the only way to get rid of it is to keep water changes. The stuff does not attach itself very hard and is easy to remove. I would say it will be like that for a month.

Also green dust algae(GSA) started appearing on the glass but I clean it everytime I do water changes.

Fixing leaking CO2 cylinder for planted tank

Majority of planted tank keepers are using Carbon Dioxide(CO2) cylinders/bottles to supply CO2 for the plants. To safe cost many are using Fire Extinguishers(FE). I’ve been using FE for couple years myself but also I’ve been getting problems with them as some of them were leaking through the valve.
Here is a method how to repair the leaking CO2 FE.

The cylinder come with 2 different valves: push and screw valve.
I’ll be showing how to repair the screw valves.

Important: The cylinder does not have to be emptied to fix the leak but for your own safety please do the work on cylinder that is completely empty.
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