Where is my disk space? Part 1

04 Feb

I had this problems before on SCCM server and it appeared again. SCCM hides somefolder from users but they are in know location. When they are in known location it is easy to unhide them. But what to do if the folder is hidden somewhere and nobody can pin point the location. This is what happened to one of the servers. The server has a partition size of ~72GB the total used space is ~28GB but when I’ve checked the folder size it was saying that all files are using only ~5GB. So where is my disk space gone? Well I suspect that some folder are hidden. So the first thing to do would be to choose option to ‘Show hidden files and folders’ and  untick ‘Hide protected oparating system file’ this have not shows the hidden folder for me.
The second option is to use good all Command Prompt and write the following command line:
attrib *. -h -s /s /d
This command remove hidden and system attributes from all the files in the partition. Once that was done a new sub folder appeared that had load of files and it was using ~23GB of disk space.


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